21 April 2011

Penang Architecture

Art deco hotel along the market.
Part of the charm of Penang is its architecture. The urban core of Georgetown preserves many more traditional Straits shophouses than can be seen in Singapore. Penang escaped World War II with much less destruction. Today the city is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Courtyard of a Chinese temple in Penang, looking towards the street.
The urban fabric also includes a number of Chinese and Buddhist  temples. We made sure to wander by a few of those on our long Saturday afternoon walk in the broiling sun. Here is a selection of some of the city's architectural gems. There are plenty of pictures after the jump break.

Art deco shophouses in Georgetown, Penang.
A heritage building and rickshaws/trishaws just off Jalan Penang.
Entrance to the Saturday morning market.
The famous Cheong Fatt Tze mansion on Leith Street.
Shophouses in Georgetown, Penang.
A Chinese temple in Georgetown, Penang.
Men play mahjong inside the temple.

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